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Careerly's Best Work + Productivity Apps 2023

We all waste time. Just in different ways. And is it really a waste, if it gives our brains a much needed rest and/or leads to creativie thinking and innovations that mankind may one day thank us for?

One of the leading causes of time loss in the modern age is multi-tasking or what I call a constant and consistent state of distraction, moving from this thing to that thing, social media, messaging, whatsapp,texting, replying to every email hitting the inbox, checking every single ping, beep, ring, noise emating from a smartphone or indeeed several devices. Many of our clients complain this all gets in the way of real work but are at a loss on how to reign this in.

Then there's a different kind of client: they are incredibly intense and typically focus on one thing at a time. They have a one-track mind. A legitimate fire alarm couldn't tear then away from the "task" they're engrossed in Except that we all better hope and pray that the "task" in question is relevant and a priority - i.e. that it is not writing a long FB post in response to the card carrying NRA neighbor who is "pro-life" or reading through all 550 comments on a WSJ article pondering whether there's a connection between guns and mass shootings. Not that these issues shouldn't affect our sensibilities and awake mad passion - but they don't belong in the workday.

The larger point here is that we all waste time. Some zone out and go down all kinds of rabbit holes. Others zone in on reading and color coding every email. think there's a better way - where we can use productivity tools and technology enhanced apps tin a way that makes us better at the work that we want to do and the life that we want to life.

With that, here it is, finally! It is our pleasure to present you with our updated Careerly's Best Work & Productivty Apps for 2023.! It is a flagship Careerly Downloadable Doc and available on our site for FREE.

We cover four categories of Apps (or extensions) and present our top picks for each category:

1)Social media/ internet blockers

2) Process apps

3) Workflow apps

4) To-do list apps

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